Trials In Tainted Space Bad Ends

Jan 28th, 2017

For a short time I even worked on Cloud 10, and eventually found myself employed by Fenoxo for Trials in Tainted Space. Every new month of 2020, from January to February to March, was pushing something new my way, and thus pushing older promises and projects further and further down as I had to learn to manage new responsibilities and obligations. Just your name: Champ. And of course, who your mistress is. That’s the most important thing in world. You know who your mistress is, that obeying her gives you more pleasure that pumping your tainted seed into a thousand whorish cunnies. You whimper under your owner’s withering gaze, as apologetic as you can be without words. Download Trials in Tainted Space Public Alpha 0.8.021.apk APK BLACK files version public+alpha+0.8.021 Size is 63379350 md5 is. Animation for scene from text-based RPG Trials in Tainted Space Animation #7 - Dryad. Animation for scene from text-based RPG Trials in Tainted Space Other Animation #6 - Shade. Tracer and McCree's relationship comes to a violent end. Music Video Overwatch Noir. Jaina and Gul'Dan have a Hearthstone match, and we get to see what it looks like. Trials in Tainted Space takes the gloves off. We've gone from a planet to a galaxy, removing what little restrictions there were in regards to creature design. The first screen of Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is the character creation page with a selection of race options. Recover my files v5 2 1 license key.

Trials In Tainted Space Bad Ends Text

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Trials In Tainted Space Bad Ends

  1. After everything you’ve done to get here, after fighting tooth and nail for so long.. after finally finding the Demon Queen herself and challenging her fearsome power.. you fall. Brought low by your own rampant sexual desires. Gasping, you slump to your knees, your jeweled rapier clattering away across the stone as the victorious demon strides towards you.
  2. “Ah, now that is what I like to see,” she purrs, lifting her arms triumphantly to the gibbering host of demons still crowding around the throne room. “Another would-be savior on her knees before me! Once again,” she sneers, turning her gaze down to you, her demonic heels clacking one after the other on the cold floor, “we see that nothing.. no one.. can stand against me.”
  3. Lethice reaches down, cupping your chin with her long-nailed fingers and tilting your head up. She’s not forceful, more like a mother disappointed in her child, forcing you to confront your misdeeds. In her churchy outfit, you could easily mistake her for one of the priestesses that would teach you and the other children back in Ingnam, save for the tremendous wings and curling horns. She must recognize the look you give her, and she smiles almost beatifically. Beautifully.
  4. “So powerful, so self-righteous.. and here you are, kneeling before me like so many before you. Still, I have to give you credit, Champion. You got so much further than most: I almost broke a sweat breaking you.” She licks her lips, and gives your chin a sharp release. “I think you deserve a special.. reward.. for your efforts, Champion. Oh, except that’s not what you are anymore, is it? A Champion doesn’t bow down, hoping a pretty little demon doesn’t rip her soul out, does she!? No, that’s something I’d expect my dog to do. Is that what you are: a dog?”
  5. You look away from Lethice, trying not to let her see how weak you are, how easy it really would be for her to kill you.. or worse. The Demon Queen just smiles all the wider as she turns from you, striding towards her throne. She stops after a few long-legged paces, casting a gaze over her shoulder to you. “What are you waiting for, dog? Come along..”
  6. Time passes..
  7. “Heel, Champ!”
  8. You look up with a start, blinking away the haze of lust that has fallen over you. Your flared hips are still pistoning like a jackhammer, but you wrest your attentions up to the glorious throne high above you where Mistress reclines, casually consuming the glowing soul-crystals that bear her name. The black-skinned dragoness beneath you moans and shudders, cum gushing from her corrupted cock and splattering onto the floor. Her whole body convulses in mindless pleasure, making a mess of your mistress’s throne dais.
  9. “Tsk! Now look what you’ve done, Champ,” Mistress chides, tracing one of her lush fingers across the rim of her goblet. Slowly, sensuously, she drops her hand down to the side of her throne and coils her slender digits around a leather strap hooked there. Mistress coils her hand around it and gives the strap a harsh pull, yanking you by the neck off of the prostrate woman. Cum sprays from your newly-grown doggy cock as your swollen knot is yanked from the dragon-girl’s hole. You tumble across the floor with a pathetic whine, drooling spunk from your twitching member. Your beloved Mistress gives you a disapproving scowl as you recover.
  10. “When I tell you to heel, you heel,” Mistress says, tugging on your leash. She sighs, “I suppose I can’t blame you for wanting to go back into the training pits. I’m sure Syrena can.. correct that behavior.”
  11. You shudder at the unbidden memory, of the shark-like demon “bitch breaker’s” ministrations. You’ve never felt pleasure like that before.. of course, you can’t exactly remember “before” much anymore. Just your name: Champ. And of course, who your mistress is. That’s the most important thing in world. You know who your mistress is, that obeying her gives you more pleasure that pumping your tainted seed into a thousand whorish cunnies. You whimper under your owner’s withering gaze, as apologetic as you can be without words. She tuts at you before turning her attention to the thoroughly creampied dragoness who was, mere moments ago, ready to accept your.. tenth load? Twelfth? You lost count an hour ago, mindlessly pumping away at her twat as hard and fast as you could, just imagining it was your mistress’s hole you had to pleasure.
  12. The dragoness is almost totally still, on all fours with her ass in the air, drooling her cum and yours into a growing pool on the floor between her dark, scaly legs. Her reptilian cock dangles down, still spasming with the aftershocks. Mistress leans back in her throne, eyeing the dragoness. “As for you, captain.. I think my precious little Champ here has given you an adequate reprimand for your failings. I put quite a lot of effort into you and my other new guards, and after all of that, you let some wet-eared outlander barely old enough to know a man’s touch almost make it to my palace. Again.”
  13. Your mistress snaps her fingers, and the huge doors to the throne room slide open. Another pair of armored dragon-morphed women stride in, dragging a human girl between them. She’s beaten, once comfortable clothes all but shredded, letting a pair of palmable breasts bounce with every step her captors take. Dirty blonde hair fringes her face, hiding her features until the two guards throw their charge down, mashing her face into cum-puddle you left behind. She moans, gasping for breath as tainted seed clings hotly to her fair, uncorrupted cheeks. The guards grab their chastised captain and drag her off, retreating to the edge of the throne room beneath the stands, now devoid of demons. Mistress isn’t holding court right now: this is her private time. Otherwise, you’d be full of demon cock with your own buried in tainted loins every second you weren’t busy tending to Mistress’s many, fiery needs.
  14. “So, this is the next so-called ‘Champion,’ hmm?” Mistress murmurs, tugging on your leash.
  15. Obedient dog that you are, you bound up to your lovely owner, taking your rightful place wiggling and dripping cum at her feet. She reaches down, caressing your very long, white hair. You pant happily, nuzzling against her leg, waiting for your next command. But for now, Mistress’s attention is elsewhere: on the girl. The Champion.
  16. A silent, salient moment passes before the Champion looks up, gritting her teeth, staring up at you and your Mistress with burning blue eyes alive with hatred unlike anything you’ve ever seen. She grits her teeth, wiping the fluids from her face and flicking them to the ground.
  17. Mistress laughs. A noble, lyrical laugh, like one a queen might make at a gala. She deposits a crystal onto her tongue and crunches it, sending the cracking sound of a soul being devoured throughout the barren chamber.
  18. “Another Champion of Ingnam. My, my, how long has it been?” Mistress smirks, still rubbing you lovingly. “Are your village elders doing well - are they enjoying their immortality?”
  19. The girl blinks, the rage on her face replaced by confusion. “W-what are you talking about, demon?” she murmurs, looking up for the first time. You glance down at her from your place at Mistress’s side, really looking at this.. this “Champion” for the first time. You feel a vague sense of recognition when you look at her, even as dirty and cum-slathered as she is, though you can’t place her. You squint, but trying to think more about it just makes your head hurt, and so you instead look down at those perky tits of hers, letting yourself get hard again at the thought of grabbing onto them and fucking her as your next bitch.
  20. “You’re lucky,” Mistress smirks, standing. “Your predecessor destroyed our welcoming facility. Otherwise I’m sure a certain imp would have revealed the truth to you long ago, before joining you with our breeding machines.
  21. You bark excitedly, ready to be your loving, forgiving mistress’s means of meeting out punishment. The Champion’s eyes turn to you, and her jaw drops like an anchor.
  22. “No.. Quote? Quote is that you?” she gasps, staring wide-eyed. “Oh, gods, no..”
  23. You cock your head aside, confused. That’s not your name. You’re Champ. You’re Mistress’s favorite puppy-slut.
  24. “Aw, don’t confuse the poor thing,” Mistress chides, patting your head. “This is Champ. Champ, say hello.”
  25. You bark, rising up on all fours and wagging your tail a hundred miles a minute. Your throbbing, wet canid cock swings between your legs, restrained only by Mistress’s firm hold on your leash. You can practically smell the virgin womanhood before you, begging to be deflowered and bred.
  26. “My dear,” Mistress smiles, coiling her hand around your leash. “You’ve been duped. You’re nothing but another sacrificial lamb. Or a sacrificial dog, like Champ here.”
  27. Sacrificial? You don’t really know what Mistress means, but you guess that doesn’t matter. Mistress is so much smarter than you after all. Whatever she wants you to be, that’s what you are!
  28. The Champion girl stares at you with wide eyes, ignoring Mistress’s words. You can smell the fear on her now, intermixing with the scent that truly has your heart hammering: the scent of a bitch ready to be bred. “Quote, listen to me,” she mewls. “I don’t know what they’ve done to you, but you have to snap out of it. Please! Don’t.. don’t you recognize me?”
  29. Your nose twitches as you stare down the strange woman. Why would you recognize her - and why does your head hurt? You give yourself a vigorous shake before glancing up at Mistress. She’s smiling down at you, her rosy lips looking so lush and loving that you’d give anything just to touch them. The thought of ramming yourself between them, shooting your seed into Mistress’s beautiful mouth tonight, when she’s had done with this random human, makes you shiver in anticipation.
  30. “Quote, come on!” the girl cries. “You can fight this! You’re still.. still human on this inside, I know it!”
  31. Why is she still talking to you!? Your head is starting to hurt with all her blabbering. You’re not a human, you’re a dog! A good, obedient dog. Mistress’s favorite dog.
  32. Mistress gives your leash a gentle tug, drawing your attention back. “Poor thing. My precious Champ’s starting to get confused. I think we need to shut this pretty little bitch up, don’t we girl? Or better yet, make her scream.”
  33. You bark, feeling yourself harden at your Mistress’s words. Making bitches scream is what she and her friends made you for. There’s nobody in the world better at it than you, and everyone in Mistress’s palace knows it now.
  34. “Have fun, Champ. I’ll be watching,” Mistress purrs, dropping your leash.
  35. You’re on the bitch in a heartbeat, leaping forward and slamming your full weight into her. The so-called Champion screams, her limbs flailing weakly as you send her toppling into the pool of seed you’d left on the stones. What little is left of the girl’s clothes are easily rent apart by your bestial claws, leaving her breasts easy targets for your hungry mouth while you tear apart of her skirt and panties, leaving her virginal hole defenseless.
  36. “Go get her, Champ,” Mistress coos behind you, munching on her snacks while you defile her prisoner.
  37. Your lips lock around a pink teat, sucking hard; fingers scour her flesh, pulling the girl’s pert cheeks apart to expose a rosy hole so tight you can barely get a finger in before she squeals. “Quote, get off! Get off!” she yelps, but her body practically begs you to keep going: her teat stiffens between your teeth, and her pussy slathers your furred digit with juices: she’s desperate to get ready for you, to welcome your alpha’s member inside and soak up your seed. Your legs spread hers out, hiking her knees around her shoulders as you align your veiny, throbbing canid member with her breed-hungry hole.
  38. The girl’s struggling stops the moment your ram your hips in, spreading her slick, hot walls wide open around a pillar of dominant meat big enough to make even Mistress’s pet dragons mewl. The Champion’s gut bulges between your bodies and her womb spreads open around your pointed crown, taking you like any of Mistress’s other breeding cows. You just know this one will make a perfect new toy!
  39. “Quote..” she gasps, voice ragged and husky, barely able to form the alien, unfamiliar word. “Please..”
  40. Please fuck her harder? Please fill her womb with virile seed until she’s bloated with your pups? You grin ear to floppy ear and piston your hips, hammering into the juicy honeypot between the would-be champion’s legs with renewed vigor. Her voice breaks, no longer able to form words - she descends into incoherent cries and moans, squirming helplessly beneath you.
  41. “Good girl, Champ,” your Mistress murmurs, and as you give a glance over your shoulder, you’re deeply, deeply pleased to see that one of her hands has slipped beneath her priestly garb to pleasure herself. She approves!
  42. Seeing your beloved Mistress enjoying your vigorous domination of her prisoner drives you to finish for her. Your swollen canid knot presses hard against the girl’s cunny, stretching her open around the bulbous bitch-breaker. As strong as you are now, it doesn’t take long before you do break her, forcing her slutty sex to open wide and accept your masculine rod in its entirely. Her body convulses, orgasming in ways you imagine she’s never done before. Then she goes limp, her body surrendering to you utterly and completely. Sweet-smelling feminine slime drools down her thighs and ass, pooling on the floor between your legs. The second your knot submerges into the sultry-wet embrace of her quivering sex, locking the two of you together in primal sexual bliss. There’s nothing left but animal lust, the bestial drive to breed the pathetic, broken vixen.
  43. You cum like a fire hose, loosing yourself inside her. No matter how many times you cum in a day, Mistress’s magics have made sure you’re always so swollen with seed that you leave your bitches’ bellies bloated, drooling sticky whiteness from their twats. And that’s just what you leave this hapless whore doing, spraying your own corrupted seed into her virginal womb until you can feel the rising tide of you cum sloshing against your buried knot. Panting like the dog you are, you flop down overtop the broken “champion,” pinning her to the ground and bottling your seed inside her, making sure it takes.
  44. “That’s what I like to see, Champ,” your mistress smiles, standing. You feel the leash around your neck tighten, gently encouraging you to get off of the ravaged woman. It takes a few minutes for your knot to deflate enough to let you slip out, letting loose a deluge of spunk that splatters down her rounded ass and onto the flagstone. You trot happily back to Mistress’s side, wagging your tail as your well-used doggy-dong starts to soften back into its sheath. “Good girl. Very good.. so good, in fact, I think I’ll keep this would-be heroine. Perhaps I’ll give her to your trainer first. All you poor Ingnam sluts should stick together after all.. perhaps I’ll breed myself a whole little village of humans. Well, of dogs, more like.”
  45. Mistress smiles and strokes your hair, watching as her draconic guardswomen return and cart your bred bitch away for her first training session, still leaking cum as she goes.
  46. “As for you,” Mistress adds, tugging your leash as she reclines back in her throne, “I expect you to make me cum even harder. Right now.”
  47. You bark eagerly and lunge up into her lap, burying your face between your loving Mistress’s thighs as the doors slam closed behind you, sealing the Champion of Ingnam’s fate..

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Trials In Tainted Space Bad Ends
  • Keywords:taintedspace,tits,role,playing,trials,tainted,space
  • Version: Public Alpha 0.7.179 (7179 code)
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  • Requirement: Froyo 2.2.x API level 8, NDK 4 or higher
  • Updated: 2018-07-16
  • size: 48.20 MB (50536369 Byte)
  • MD5: 2a7cfae003e9727a6f7394bfb1659fc8
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