3ds To Cia Converter Could Not Read Exheader File


1) Put your 3DS games into 'roms' folder and press 'Create ncchinfo.bin file' button to create 'ncchinfo.bin' from 3DS ROMs. 2) Use rxTools along with created 'ncchinfo.bin' to generate ExHeader XORpads, put it in root of SD card, launch rxTools and follow 'Decryption Options-Generate Xorpads'.

  • Analytics cookies. We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. They're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task.
  • Ftp options require to copy Winscp files to common/winscp folder. Restart FTPony each time you need to send a file (its not a Gui isuue). You just need to type 3ds ip launch Ftpony on console and click button FTPony is still unstable, if file not sent try to restart ftpony and retry. Warning: Ftp is slow, big files will take too much time.
  • I am trying to build a cia from a.3ds (2.0GB) file installed on my SD directory.I cannot download a cia from the internet because the specific file i am trying to build is of an Alpha Sapphire rom hack. I navigated to the file on Godmode9 and chose to build cia from the file, but it instantly says CIA build failed.
  • How To Convert Cia To 3DS Playable Files.UPDATE Video. Exheader File Fix (EASY) by kaiangel7. How To Convert a 3DS Game Into a Cia by kaiangel7.

This page documents the format of the NCCH Extended Header, or exheader for short.

The exheader has two sections:

  • The actual exheader data, containing System Control Info (SCI) and Access Control Info (ACI);
  • A signed copy of NCCH HDR public key, and exheader ACI. This version of the ACI is used as limitation to the actual ACI.
  • 2System Control Info
  • 3Access Control Info
    • 3.1ARM11 Local System Capabilities
      • 3.1.1Flag0
      • 3.1.3Flag2
    • 3.2ARM11 Kernel Capabilities

Main Structure[edit]

All values are little endian unless otherwise specified.

See also: [1]

0x4000x100AccessDesc signature (RSA-2048-SHA256)
0x5000x100NCCH HDR RSA-2048 public key
0x6000x200ACI (for limitation of first ACI)

The AccessDesc signature covers the NCCH HDR public key and second ACI. The AccessDesc public key is initialised by the boot ROM.

3ds To Cia Converter Could Not Read Exheader File

When loading the exheader, Process9 compares the exheader data with the data in the AccessDesc (note that not everything is compared here). When these don't match, an error is returned. The Process9 code handling this validation was updated with v6.0; the only change in this function seems to be the check for the 'Ideal processor' field.

System Control Info[edit]

0x00x8Application title (default is 'CtrApp')
0xD0x1Flag (bit 0: CompressExefsCode, bit 1: SDApplication)
0xE0x2Remaster version
0x100xCText code set info
0x1C0x4Stack size
0x200xCRead-only code set info
0x300xCData code set info
0x3C0x4BSS size
0x400x180 (48*8)Dependency module (program ID) list

Most of these fields are used in LOADER:LoadProcess.

Code Set Info[edit]

0x44Physical region size (in page-multiples)
0x84Size (in bytes)

System Info[edit]

0x00x8SaveData Size
0x80x8Jump ID

Access Control Info[edit]

0x00x170ARM11 local system capabilities
0x1700x80ARM11 kernel capabilities
0x1F00x10ARM9 access control

ARM11 Local System Capabilities[edit]

0x00x8Program ID
0x80x4Core version (The Title ID low of the required FIRM)
0xC0x2Flag1 and Flag2 (both implemented starting from 8.0.0-18).
0x100x20 (16*2)Resource limit descriptors. The first byte here controls the maximum allowed CpuTime.
0x300x20Storage info
0x500x100 (32*8)Service access control
0x1500x10 (2*8)Extended service access control, support for this was implemented with 9.3.0-X.
0x16F0x1Resource limit category. (0 = APPLICATION, 1 = SYS_APPLET, 2 = LIB_APPLET, 3 = OTHER (sysmodules running under the BASE memregion))


0-1Ideal processor
2-3Affinity mask
4-7Old3DS system mode
Old3DS System Mode[edit]
0Prod (64MB of usable application memory)
1Undefined (unusable)
2Dev1 (96MB of usable application memory)
3Dev2 (80MB of usable application memory)
4Dev3 (72MB of usable application memory)
5Dev4 (32MB of usable application memory)
6-7Undefined Same as Prod?

In the exheader data, the ideal processor field is a bit-index, while in the AccessDesc the ideal processor field is a bitmask. When the bit specified by the exheader field is not set in the AccessDesc field, an error is returned.


During a FIRM-launch when a TitleInfo structure was specified, the field at offset 0x400 in the FIRM-launch parameters is set to the SystemMode of the specified title, however in some cases other values are written there. With 8.0.0-18 NS will now check the output of PTMSYSM command 0x040A0000, when the output is non-zero and a certain NS state field is value-zero, the following is executed otherwise this is skipped. With that check passed on 8.0.0-18, NS will then check (Flag2 & 0xF). When that is value2, the output value (used for the FIRM-launcher parameter field mentioned above) is set to value7. Otherwise, when that value is non-zero, the output value is set to 6.


0EnableL2Cache (Unknown what this actually does, New3DS-only presumably)
1cpuspeed_804MHz (Default 'cpuspeed' when not set)

In order for the exheader to have any of the above new bits set, the AccessDesc must have the corresponding bit set, otherwise the invalid-exheader error is returned.

Homebrew which runs under a title which has the above cpuspeed flag set, runs much faster on New3DS. It's unknown how exactly the system handles these flags.

When launching titles / perhaps other things with APT, NS uses PTMSYSM:ConfigureNew3DSCPU with data which originally came from these flags; NS does this regardless of what the running 3DS system is. However, due to a bug(?) in NS the value sent to that command is always either 0x0 or 0x3. When calculating that value, the code only ever uses the cpuspeed field, not the cache field: code to actually load and check the value of the cache field appears to be missing.


0-3New3DS system mode
New3DS System Mode[edit]
0Legacy (use Old3DS system mode)
1Prod (124MB of usable application memory)
2Dev1 (178MB of usable application memory)
3Dev2 (124MB of usable application memory)
4-7Undefined Same as Prod?

When in Legacy mode, the actual memory layout is the same as in New3DS Prod, except the available application memory as reported to the application is reduced to the Old3DS size.

The exheader value for the New3DS system mode value must be ≤ to the AccessDesc value, otherwise the invalid-exheader error is returned.

Storage Info[edit]

Used in FSReg:Register.

0x08Extdata ID
0x88System savedata IDs
0x108Storage accessible unique IDs
0x187Filesystem access info
0x1F1Other attributes

File System Access Info:

Bit and bitmaskDescription
0, 0x1Category system application
1, 0x2Category hardware check
2, 0x4Category filesystem tool
3, 0x8Debug
4, 0x10TWL card backup
5, 0x20TWL NAND data
6, 0x40BOSS
7, 0x80sdmc:/
8, 0x100Core
9, 0x200nand:/ro/ (Read Only)
10, 0x400nand:/rw/
11, 0x800nand:/ro/ (Write Access)
12, 0x1000Category system settings
13, 0x2000Cardboard
14, 0x4000Export/Import IVS
15, 0x8000sdmc:/ (Write-only)
16, 0x10000Switch cleanup (Introduced in 3.0.0?)
17, 0x20000Savedata move (Introduced in 5.0.0)
18, 0x40000Shop (Introduced in 5.0.0)
19, 0x80000Shell (Introduced in 5.0.0)
20, 0x100000Category home menu (Introduced in 6.0.0)
21, 0x200000Seed DB. Introduced in 9.6.0-XFIRM. Home Menu has this bit set starting with 9.6.0-X.

Other Attributes[edit]

0Not use ROMFS
1Use Extended savedata access.

When Bit1 is set, the 'Extdata ID' and 'Storage Accessable Unique IDs' regions are used to store a total of 6 'Accessible Save IDs'. Introduced in 6.0.0.

Service Access Control[edit]

This is the list of services which the process is allowed to access, this is registered with the services manager. Each service listed in the exheader must be listed in the AccessDesc, otherwise the invalid exheader error is returned. The order of the services for exheader/AccessDesc doesn't matter. The AccessDesc can list services which are not in the exheader, but normally the service-access-control data for exheader/AccessDesc are exactly the same.

This list is submitted to SRVPM:RegisterProcess.

ARM11 Kernel Capabilities[edit]

The kernel capability descriptors are passed to svcCreateProcess.

0x00x70 (28*4)Descriptors

There are different descriptor types, determined by the number of leading ones in the binary value representation of bits 20-31. The different types are laid out as follows:

Pattern of bits 20-31TypeFields
0b1110xxxxxxxxInterrupt info
0b11110xxxxxxxSystem call maskBits 24-26: System call mask table index; Bits 0-23: mask
0b1111110xxxxxKernel release versionBits 8-15: Major version; Bits 0-7: Minor version
0b11111110xxxxHandle table sizeBits 0-18: size
0b111111110xxxKernel flagsSee below
0b11111111100xMap address rangeDescribes a memory mapping like the 0b111111111110 descriptor, but an entire range rather than a single page is mapped. Another 0b11111111100x descriptor must follow this one to denote the (exclusive) end of the address range to map.
0b111111111110Map memory pageBits 0-19: page index to map (virtual address >> 12; the physical address is determined per-page according to Memory layout); Bit 20: Map read-only (otherwise read-write)

ARM11 Kernel Flags[edit]

0Allow debug
1Force debug
2Allow non-alphanum
3Shared page writing
4Privilege priority
5Allow main() args
6Shared device memory
7Runnable on sleep
8-11Memory type (1: application, 2: system, 3: base)
12Special memory
13Process has access to CPU core 2 (New3DS only)

ARM9 Access Control[edit]

3ds To Cia Converter Could Not Read Exheader Files

0xF1ARM9 Descriptor Version. Originally this value had to be ≥ 2. Starting with 9.3.0-X this value has to be either value 2 or value 3.


0Mount nand:/
1Mount nand:/ro/ (Write Access)
2Mount twln:/
3Mount wnand:/
4Mount card SPI
5Use SDIF3
6Create seed
7Use card SPI
8SD application (Not checked)
9Mount sdmc:/ (Write Access)
Retrieved from 'https://www.3dbrew.org/w/index.php?title=NCCH/Extended_Header&oldid=19948'

As the age of digital games goes on, more and more people are downloading titles from the Nintendo eShop rather than purchasing physical copies. The convenience of this is you always have your games with you, so you don’t have to swap out cards or carry them with you. There are plenty of downsides that should be addressed by Nintendo in the future, but if you find yourself running out of space on a 32GB card for all of your games, this guide should help you.

Read3ds To Cia Converter Could Not Read Exheader FileConverter

[Note: This guide is for Windows computers. Mac and Linux formatting can be done using standard tools available on those platforms.]

Getting Started

You’ll need a 64GB SD card or larger. You’ll also need a PC in order to do the transfer after you’ve successfully formatted the destination card, as well as the Nintendo 3DS and your old card. The difficult part of this is that Windows 7 itself doesn’t make it easy to format the SD card. The SD card needs to be formatted to FAT32, but Windows 7 only supports this format up to 32GB. In order to properly format the card, we’ll need a partition tool.

I recommend MiniTool Partition Wizard, which can be downloaded for free. Once you install it, you should see a screen like this that has all of your drives.

As you can see, I have two hard disks, and the third is labeled F, which is the SD card inserted into the computer. This is the drive I want to format for the Nintendo 3DS. Be 100% certain you select the proper drive, or you could do a lot of damage to your computer!

3ds To Cia Converter Error Could Not Read Exheader File

Select the proper partition, and then choose “Create”. You’ll want to select the following options:

Create As: Primary
File System: FAT32
Cluster Size: 32kb
Drive Letter:

Be sure you set a drive letter, otherwise Windows won’t recognize the drive to let you copy files to it. Hit “Okay” and it should format the card for use with your Nintendo 3DS. Once you hit Okay, you’ll need to “Apply” the settings in the main window. This will take a moment. After it’s complete, you’ll have an “all changes were completed successfully” window.

That’s it! It’s ready to be used in the Nintendo 3DS. Turn your machine off and then back on and insert the SD card and you should get an initializing screen. Once that is complete, check the Data Management app of the Nintendo 3DS and you should see a very large number of blocks, according to the size of the SD card you just formatted. Mine was a 64GB card and this is what it looks like:

3ds To Cia Converter V4.1 Could Not Read Exheader File

Transferring Files to the Nintendo 3DS

Now that you have both SD cards formatted for use in the Nintendo 3DS, you need to transfer files from your old card to the new card. Copy EVERYTHING on the old card to a new folder on your desktop named Nintendo. Depending on the amount of files you have on your old card, this transfer could take a while.

Once you have the files in a folder on your desktop, insert the newly formatted card into your computer and then drag all the files from the folder on your desktop to the new SD card. Once again, this process could take a while if you’ve got a lot of data. Once that’s finished, you’ve got one more step before you can enjoy your new high capacity card.

Open the “Nintendo 3DS” folder on your card and you should see two folders, both with large strings of letters and numbers as the name. Right click each and choose Properties to see the file size. Open the largest of the two folders and copy everything inside it to the smaller folder. Once that is done, you can delete the old folder. Then you should be able to insert the SD card into your Nintendo 3DS and see all the games you’ve downloaded, as well as have tons of extra space for new games!

If you have any questions about the process, don’t hesitate to leave a comment and I’ll try and help you through any issues you may be having with this method.

SanDisk 200GB microSD card – $77

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